ハビス・アマンダ(Havis Amanda)とは港近くにある乙女の像のこと.どういう理由かはわからないけれど,バップの前夜祭としてこの像を洗い,続いてこの像に帽子を被せるとのこと.
Today was the day before “Vappu”. In Finalnd “Vappu” means “May Day”. I remembered May Day as the day for workers, but in Finland, it was the day for students (and workers).
I heard Vappu festival was quite boisterous. I could not imagine that Finnish people “celebrate” it because I though they were very modest.
My colleagues told me that we would have a Vappu-eve Festival in evening. I heard many people would get together statue of Havis Amanda, which was located near Market Place (Kauppatori), and washed(?) the statue and put a cap(?) on it.
I could not imagine what they would do actually. Thus I looked website.
Web site said the caps were gave when they graduated high schools, and the cap meant “I have qualification to have a entrance examination for University”.
Anyway we went to Havis Amanda.
When we arrived there, there were a lot of people already. We could see musical band and many people with a cap in their hands. And I found 2 crane-cars. Why crane-car??
Around 5:30 PM, some students who put snow mans costumes rode a basket at the end of crane, they started to wash her (a statue).
After washing her, many students who were suspended by crane put a big cap on her head.
At the moment, a lot of people put their cap on head and gave a great cry!! In a blink of my eye, every people melted together!! The moment was so great that I was out of myself.
Unfortunately, the moment did not last long time. Some students dived into fountain over the opposition of security guards. And I heard the sound of crashing wine bottles or something. It was really chaos….
But without doubt, this experience was my first and last “Vappu” in Finland. I could have really good time there. I will remember today forever.
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- I enjoyed this year’s Vappu. It might the first and last experience for me. Though it is raining, but I hope you have Hyvää Vappua!11:19 PM Apr 30th Tweetieから
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