カイボプイストに行く / Touring to Kaivopuisto @ 276日目

Touring to Kaivopuisto
[at Kaivopuisto]

Touring to Kaivopuisto









My pain in right foot was still bad. I decided to stay at home too. But fine weather did not allow me to do so. I had a strong urge to ride my bike.

Thus I enjoyed touring by my road-bike standing pain. The destination was Kaivopuisto.

On the way to Kaivopuisto, a old gentleman, he looked 60 to 70 years old, talked to us. He rode old beautiful Bianchi bike. After we chatted for a while, he introduced good secret route along the seaside.

The route was so nice. There were many interesting spots along the route. He was so kind to explain concerned stories at every spot. The most interesting spots was “Carpet washing place”. Till some years ago, many people had washed their carpets here. But nowadays Finland signed to a kind of environmental protection treaty, this washing place would take away. We understood the meaning of treaty, but felt a little pity to be disappear this charming custom.

He was very friendly, learned and kind gentleman. I want to be a man like him someday.

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