昼が長くなってきた / Daytime becomes long @ 255日目

The roof of next hotel
[The roof of next hotel in Frunkfurt]

[It is 9 PM]





After presentation, I started my programming again. I want to be finished my program till doctor seminar next Thursday.

I heard Naoko Takahashi, she is a gold medalist in Sydney Olympic game, denied the offer to be candidate. She said “It is better to be a statesperson who study about politics”.

In Japan, many famous people (TV personalities, sport players and so on) are offered to be candidates by political parties. Just they are “popular”.

I worry about such foolish trends in Japanese elections.

BTW, the daytime becomes longer these day. I am looking forward to “White nights”.

  • 今は夜の9時.でもまだまだ明るい. http://yfrog.com/6gdznj 9:03 PM May 12th Twitter for iPhoneから
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