食べ物の色について / About color of foods @ 256日目
[White asparagus at Frankfurt ]
今日もプログラムしてました.ネタ不足なので食べ物の色について考えました.M&M’s チョコってのがありますが,どう考えてもこの色は食べ物の色じゃないと思います.
I devoted myself for programming from morning to night. Sorry to say, I didn’t have interesting story for today’s diary.
Thus I thought about the color of foods.
For example, I felt sense of discomfort of some colors of M&M’s chocolate, especially Blue!!! Blue is not a color for food, isn’t it? In Japan, we don’t have blue confectionery.
I guess the sense of color of foods is based on culture. How do you think? Do you have some color which is not suitable for foods?
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- M&Mチョコを食べていると,碁石を食べているみたいな感覚に襲われるのは私だけだろうか(笑)10:21 AM May 13th Twitter for iPhoneから
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