寿司ワークショップ / SUSHI workshop @229日目
[Let’s roll !!]
[炊飯器を持参した(笑)/ We brought our rice cooker to his apartment]
[巻き寿司に挑戦 / We made maki roll]
[にぎりにも挑戦 / We made “Nigiri” too]
Today, I went to my colleague Juhani’s apartment to have a Sushi work shop. I know Juhani is very very good at cooking, and interested in Japanese food. I heard he has made Sushi at home many times. We were afraid that our workshop is helpful for his family (he maybe already know everything!!).
We brought our rice cooker and rice, “海苔” nori, “卵焼き” egg cakes and “かんぴょう” dried gourd shaving. In his apartment, my wife cooked and I translated her action and explanation one by one. For example, many Westen people think “rice need wash”. Definitely in many cooking translation, I saw many “wash rice”. But it is not true. Rice is needed to “polish”. When you wash rice, not much water is not needed. If we put much water, rice swims in water and enable to polish. Put not so much waters, and grains of rice rub each other.
Anyway, we could make nice and delicious Sushi at last. We had a very good dinner indeed. Kiitos Juhani:-)
And I quoted other’s tweet (in orange color). This tweet is certain Chilean programmers comment. “Do you work after graduate school immediately, don’t you?!?! You are crazy!! Why don’t you travel all around the world for a year. Why don’t you talk and become friends with young girls in the world? After staring work at company, when are you able to have a 3 month holiday? What?? After 60 years old and retire your job!!?! DO YOU REALLY KNOW THAT YOUR LIFE IS ONLY ONCE!!!”
As you may know, in Japan, many young students are troubled in getting jobs. And many of them are fighting severe examinations. I think, many people tend to judge thing “What is usual thing”. But after come here, my mind were changed by Finnish culture. I want to say Japanese Students, please do not be so nervous. Definitely getting jobs is inevitable and important to your life. But I hope you remember this tweet sometimes.
I decide to tell my seminar students about it.
- RT @u_naoko: 地下鉄のホームで小さな子が電車にバイバイしてた。走り去る電車の車掌さんが窓から手を出したまま手を振りかえした。カッコいいなあ。1:39 PM Apr 17th Tweetieから
- フィンランド人の同僚の家で寿司ワークショップします. We are going to Sushi workshop at my colleague’s flat today. We’ll bring a rice cooker and many Japanese foods.1:38 PM Apr 17th webから
- Santouka_bot あの雲がおとした雨にぬれてゐる 〔種田山頭火・鉢の子〕1:30 PM Apr 17th APIからあなたがリツイート
- 天気が良いので自転車(今日はScottのクロス)で一時間ほど走り回ってきた。少し寒く耳が痛くなったが快適なサイクリングだった。12:25 PM Apr 17th Echofonから
- meigenbot 僕が今までやってきた仕事の中で一番大切な仕事は、一緒に仕事をすべき本当に優秀な人物を探すことです。一人でできない仕事を成功させるためには、優れた人物を見つけなければいけないのです。(Steve Jobs)11:19 AM Apr 17th KEIYAC.ORGからあなたと62人がリツイート
- kasumin0901 RT @AkiraFukuei: チリのプログラマー発言「大学卒業後にすぐ会社で働くなんてクレイジーだ。なぜ1年世界を旅しない、世界の女の子を見てこない。入社後に三ヶ月の休暇を貰えるのはいつだ?60歳で定年後だと?お前ら人生は一度だと本当に分ってるのか!?」5:31 AM Apr 11th Keitai Webからあなたと55人がリツイート
- おはようございます.今日8時36分のヘルシンキは,快晴,気温3度です.8:37 AM Apr 17th Tweetieから
- RT @Hayabusa_JAXA: 昼食食べて見直したら1桁間違えていたのでシレっと修正。「はやぶさ」運用ではSI単位で計算して、ちゃんと検算もしているのでご安心下さい。→レモン27億、ゴジラ5百4十万(初代、身長) (IES兄)8:34 AM Apr 17th Tweetieから
- September 2011, One of most famous Manga artists Hiroshi Fujimoto Museum is scheduled to open in Kawasaki, Japan.http://bit.ly/b0dc2j7:14 AM Apr 17th Tweetieから
- 帰国したらまず行ってみたいところだ. 川崎市 藤子・F・不二雄ミュージアム | 藤子・F・不二雄ワールド http://bit.ly/b0dc2j7:04 AM Apr 17th bit.lyから
Thanks Akira and Naomi for the shushi workshop. I and my wife had prepared shushi for more than 10 years, but this workshop learned us more than those years. I didn’t know that the cooking of rice is so important, and that rolling maki needs artistic thinking.
Cutting the fish had also been difficult part (when preparing nigiri), we got much more confidence in practicing it. Really enjoyed the evening.
Thanks a lot.
We are very happy and relieved to hear that !! Thank you, too.
Next time, if possible please tell me how to make ” Kalakukko” 🙂
(ユハニ氏からのコメント日本語訳)Translation of Juhani’s comment.