コマンドを知るということ / To know programming command @237日目
[Cute YLE (FInnish National TV) car]
I was absorbed in my programming today too.
I am sorry to write technical topics in my diary, but today I found the useful command “getColorBoundsRect”. If I send image data and certain color data to this command, the boundary area of color will be returned.
In short, this command is very convenient. If I don’t know this command, maybe I must write more than 100 lines program.
The difference between to know and not to know is a lot.
And I cited the word of Tesshu Yamaoka(1836 – 1888). He said “All people have ability and disability. We can not generalize and laugh at other people.”. His word is not so fancy, but I must keep this word in my mind every time.
- bitmap.getColorBoundsRectというめちゃくちゃ便利なメソッドがあることを初めて知った.結局プログラムってのは,料理と似ていて,どういう材料と調理法があるのかを,多く正しく知っておく必要があるんじゃないかと思った.10:32 PM Apr 25th Tweetieから
- meigenbot 人にはすべて能不能あり。一概に人を棄て、あるいは笑うべからず。(幕末政治家: 山岡鉄舟)12:16 AM Apr 25th KEIYAC.ORGからあなたと8人がリツイート