文法の違いに苦しむ / The difference of programming grammar@236日目
[The outward of Design Factory]
Today I was absorbed into programming all day. I was troubled the difference between Flex4 and Flex3 still… I understand that upgrade is important for the performance of program, but how many people are troubled with grammatical gaps?
Especially, the difference of “addchild” and “addElement” commands were so messy that I made mistakes many times.
And as you may understand, I wrote my blog in Japanese too. Today, I wrote about the problems of Japanese set phrases. For example, “soap” is written as “石鹸(Se-kken)” in Japanese, but the character “鹸(ken)” is so complicated that we use Hiragana “けん(ken)” instead of this. Thus many people use “石けん” these days.
I understand “鹸” is difficult to write, but I feel some sense of incongruity “石けん”.
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- 昨日悩み続けていた問題が解決.要するには<mx:Script source=”” />というタグが <fx:Script source=”” />と微妙に変化していただけでなく,インクルードと読み込みの違いだった.#flex43:54 PM Apr 24th Tweetieから
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