Fiscar 2日目 / Fiscar 2nd day @267日目
[Helsinki city Fake miniature]
今日も引き続き興味深い発表が多く行われた.印象深かったのは「Power to the people – or helping citizens help each other. By Susanne Bødker / Department of computer science, Faculty of science, Aathus University」で,仕事を持っている親達が共同体のようなものを作り,お互いの空き時間を調整して託児をする……という試みの話だった
Today was 2nd day of Fiscar.
I was impressed the presentation “Power to the people – or helping citizens help each other. By Susanne Bødker / Department of computer science, Faculty of science, Aathus University”.
This presentation was about parents group which help each other. They shared and arranged their schedule and made leaving child system using many communication tools.
Definitely, the system and structure of this community may be simple, but doubtlessly help many parents and children.
If someone write about such kind of practices in paper, I hope reviewers would not reject it by the reasons “This is just a case-study” or “No originality, this practice is just assembled system”.
Once I wrote some papers that described about the community of learning each other using Wiki and other communication tools, but all of them were rejected by such reasons.
I think, the papers which make other people happy are very valuable. But I know they make no sense in some journals.
To tell the truth, I have been confusing about the criterion of Japanese Academic Journals.
What should I write and study?
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- Power to the people – or helping citizens help each other. By Susanne Bødker / Department of computer science, Faculty of science, Aathus Univerity 9:06 AM May 24th Twitter for iPhoneから
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- My colleague Laura introduced interesting movie of AR ¶YouTube – Realidad Aumentada en el Festival REC Madrid 2010 AM May 24th bit.lyから